Robots can not do most things that humans can do, but not all. The article, NASA Designs A Robot For Mars by Melissa Fassbender, states that the robot that NASA is building can open a door, however it can not, for now, understand what a door looks like and must require human assistance. For an example you can not put the robot in a room and tell it to "find door". This type of programming I am, believe it or not, familiar with. Years ago I used to make programs that would perform certain tasks in a video game based solely on images. In one of the video games I had to get my avatar to go through a door, unfortunately the door was colored the same as the environment, so I was unable to get it to work without assistance.
As for errors I would have to say a human makes more. Simple because of the fact that it's difficult for must people to multiple two, three digit numbers in their head with no mistakes. Computers, on the other hand, can do calculations with 100's of digits, within milliseconds, with no errors. Any error a computer or robot experiences is from the software developer and is to blame for the mistake.